The Best Things In Life are FREE…..

Rachel and I at Pebble Beach, March 2019.

Sunshine is FREE

Studies show that the mere fact of being outside heightens your mood by stimulating endorphins in your brain. The picture above is a cloudy day, but those UV rays still penetrate through the clouds. Sunshine is also a natural source of vitamin D… so if you don’t like dairy, go outside in the sun.

Meditation is FREE

Well, not completely. This takes away your time (which I consider the most valuable commodity we have). But on days where you are most stressed, meditation is value UP FRONT. And here’s the thing… you don’t have to find an expert. You don’t even have to download those Calm or Headspace apps. Something as simple as closing your eyes and listening to music counts as meditation. Detach yourself from your daily grind for 10 minutes. Our bodies need breaks.

Movement is FREE

There’s nothing I preach more of than this statement. I’ve told many patients, past and present, that the only equipment I need for a decent workout is a positive mentality. There’s so much activity you can do that doesn’t require an entire gym. Don’t let that be an excuse. Go outside for a walk. Or if you want something more challenging, the basics never fail: push ups, air squats, jumping jacks, etc. If you want something more tailored or specific, e-mail me here!

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