The Top Workout Trends This Year (2020)

workout trends

As you know, we’re now well into 2020. If you’re serious about building your summer body or staying generally healthy, you’ll know that the hard work has to be done in the winter. Exercise is beneficial for many different reasons (12), and not just those relating to losing weight either. 
If you’re serious about improving your health, crushing your fitness goals, and bettering yourself this year, finding the right workout routine to follow is vital. There are more types of workout to follow than ever before. Here’s a better look at what looks set to be the top trending workouts for 2020.

HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training

 HIIT is not a new workout concept, in fact, it’s been popular for many years now. According to experts in the fitness industry, though, 2020 looks set to be the biggest year for HIIT so far. But what the heck is HIIT? Well, it stands for High Intensity Interval Training. This form of exercise which requires those taking part to alternate between periods of low intensity exercise, and high intensity exercise for several rounds. 
These workouts are very beneficial for losing fat and improving fitness, plus they’re great for people struggling for time, as a typical workout lasts around 20 minutes. HIIT can be done via cardio workouts, with weight and resistance workouts, and much more besides. 
Check out the video below for an example of a HIIT workout.


CrossFit is now a global fitness phenomenon that is expanding in popularity every single year. It’s so popular because no two workouts are exactly alike. One session you might be performing Olympic lifts with a barbell, whereas the next you might be running circuits or climbing ropes. CrossFit is about building functional fitness and strength that will benefit you in the real world. It’s not about being ‘gym strong’ or ‘gym fit’ it’s about functionality. 
CrossFit is generally taught in classes, is high intensity, and is held in rounds. It combines weight, strength, and resistance training with cardio-based exercises and movements, along with stretching. By combining the different types of training into one, CrossFitters never know what to expect from one session to the next, other than plenty of calories being burnt off. 
If you want to get fit, tone up, build lean muscle, increase your strength, while giving yourself an intense challenge, then CrossFit is ideal. 


Peloton has been getting a lot of positive attention as of late, and rightly so. Peloton is a US company specializing in home gym and fitness equipment. They produce workouts and have an app that customers can actually stream via Peloton fitness products. 
One such product is the Peloton indoor exercise bike. This stationary bike has an attached touchscreen, enabling users to view on-demand (live) cycling classes. For $39 per month, users can view thousands of video cycling classes and sessions so that they can follow in the comfort of their own homes. You can even choose from different instructors for your classes, and instructors can actually engage with those following along on-demand at home. 
Essentially, Peloton enables people to take part in stationary cycling group classes in the comfort of their own homes. 


Tonal is geared towards the individual who is looking for bringing the gym class experience inside their homes. It’s a bit pricey at $2,995, but for some, it is exactly what they are looking for. Maybe they live in a cold winter area, and find it impossible to get to the gym for a class. 
Tonal’s technology was built by an engineer who devised a way to give people a way to replicate any gym workout at home, with only the Tonal installation and interactive online programming.
The Devil’s advocate argues the absence of personalized training, but Tonal has and continues to develop that aspect of individualized goal setting.


If you are the type to be a bit self-conscious in the gym, or value those minutes and gas miles that accrue every time you try to get yourself to the gym, Tonal is a great option. I’ve tested this out myself at their pop-op shops in San Francisco, and it’s a worthy piece of equipment.


There’s lots of different trends out there, and it seems that technology will now be a common staple for the future. Wearable technology (fitbits, Apple watches), on-screen trainers (Peloton, Tonal) are hot right now. 

I don’t believe any of them have any specific, glaring weaknesses… it all depends on your style of workout and what you enjoy. Some like being at home, some like being in the gym. Some like self-directed workouts, others like trainers to tell them what to do. But here’s some of the popular ones that are sticking around. Feel free to bring them up in casual conversation.

Again, contact us if you want to discuss what workout program (doesn’t have to be any of the above) can be best suited for you specifically.

If I missed anything that you would like me to write about, share a comment below!

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